Authors who want to participate in the Symposium are invited to present one or more technical papers within the delineated framework. In addition to the main topics, papers on other important subjects of the central Symposium themes will be considered for the inclusion in the Scientific Programme.
Authors who want to submit a provisional full paper to be reviewed for the inclusion in Speedam 2024 scientific programme must first register at the Speedam 2024 registration website. Once registered, each author can submit up to 5 papers. The registered authors will be the corresponding authors of the submitted papers, i.e. the authors to which each update related to uploaded works will be forwarded. The Speedam registration website will open on October 25th, 2023.
Provisional full paper
The provisional full paper has to be considered as a full paper in all regards. The one substantial difference between the provisional full paper and the final full paper is related to the corrections that the authors have to implement on the former based on the reviewers comments. Each submitted paper will be forwarded to 2 reviewers, with proven experience in the topic of interest. The file format can be either .doc, .docx or .pdf in A4 page size. The minimum length is 5 pages. Although not required for the provisional full paper, it is highly recommended to use the standard IEEE template available here in Microsoft Word 2003 and Latex formats.
Finally, since the review process is a blind one, no authors names nor affiliations have to be included in the uploaded provisional full paper.
Final full paper
The final full paper has to comply with the IEEE template available here and has to be uploaded in IEEE Xplore compatible pdf. Check the Speedam 2024 registration website for details. Finally the maximum reccomended length is 6 pages. Paper exceeding 6 pages will be subject to an additional fee. Papers exceeding 8 pages will not be accepted.