AI Haddad K. Canada Ecole de Technologie Sup. – Montreal
Abdellah K. Algeria Djelfa University
Aleo M. Italy STMicroelectronics
Araujo A. Portugal FEUP – University of Porto
Baghzouz Y. USA University of Las Vegas
Baronti F. Italy University of Pisa
Bauer P. The Netherlands Delft University of Tech.
Belmans R. Belgium Leuven University
Benbouzid M. France Bretagne Occidentale
Bitoleanu A. Romania University of Craiova
Blaabjerg F. Denmark Aalborg University
Bruzzese C. Italy University La Sapienza of Rome
Buccella C. Italy University of L’Aquila
Buja G. Italy University of Padova
Busquets Monge S. Spain Univ. Politec. de Catalunya
Byrne R. USA Sandia Nation. Labs
Böcker J. Germany Paderborn University
Capasso A. Italy University La Sapienza of Rome
Capolino G. A. France University of Picardie
Carpinelli G. Italy University Federico II of Naples
Chitti Babu B. Malaysia University of Nottingham Malaysia
Chomat M. Czech Rep. Academy of Sciences
Cirstea M. U.K. Anglia Ruskin University
Clare J. C. U.K. University of Nottingham
Cupertino F. Italy Politecnico of Bari
Di Gerlando A. Italy Politecnico of Milan
Djokic S. U.K. University of Edinburgh
D’Arco S. Norway SINTEF
Emadi A. Canada McMaster University
Fedyczak Z. Poland University of Zielona Gora
Franquelo L.G. Spain University of Sevilla
Giglioli R. Italy University of Pisa
Gol O. Australia University of South Australia
Hamasaki S.I. Japan Nagasaki University
Herzog H. G. Germany T. U. Muenchen
Hofmann W. Germany T. U. Dresden
Hosseini S. H. Iran University of Tabriz
Ioannides M. G. Greece Tech. Univ. of Athens
Iqbal A. Qatar Qatar University
Kanaan H. Y. Lebanon Saint Joseph University
Katic V. Serbia University of Novi Sad
Kondo Japan Chiba University
Kuperman A. Israel Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Kurokawa F. Japan Nagasaki University
Kyyra J. Finland Tech. University of Helsinki
Lagier T. France SuperGrid Institute – Villeurbanne
Lettl J. Czech Rep. Czech T.U.
Li Yaohua China Chinese Academy of Sciences
Liserre M. Germany Christian Albrechts Univ. of Kiel
Magno M. Switzerland ETH Zurich
Marongiu I. Italy University of Cagliari
Martis C. Romania Tech. University of Cluj Napoca
Massoud A. M. Qatar Qatar University
Mazzucchelli M. Italy University of Genova
Melito M. Italy STMicroelectronics
Monmasson E. France University of Cergy – Pontoise
Morel F. France Laboratory AMPERE
Nishikata S. Japan Tokyo Denki University
Palensky Peter P. The Netherlands Delft University of Tech.
Palma L. Chile Universidad de Concepcion
Pede G. Italy ENEA
Postiglione G. Italy NIDEC
Profumo F. Italy Politecnico of Turin
Raciti A. Italy University of Catania
Rafajdus P. Slovakia University of Zilina
Richter A. Czech Rep. Technical University of Liberec
Rodic M. Slovenia University of Maribor
Rotondale N. Italy University of L’Aquila
Rufer A. Switzerland EPFL Lausanne
Scollo R. Italy STMicroelectronics
Semail E. France L2EP – Université Lille1
Serra G. Italy University of Bologna
Shimomura S. Japan Shibaura Institute of Technology
Soghomonian Z. USA Noblis Inc.
Solero L. Italy University of Rome 3
Somani A. USA Dynapower Company
Soufi Y. Algeria Tebessa University
Stala R. Poland AGH Univ of Science & Techn.
Suntio T. Finland Tampere University of Technology
Szelag A. Poland Warsaw University of Tech.
Testa A. Italy Univ. of Campania L. Vanvitelli
Tianhao Tang China Shanghai Maritime University
Valla M. I. Argentina National University of La Plata
Valtchev S. Bulgaria/Portugal CTS/UNINOVA
Watson N. New Zealand University of Nottingham
Wheeler P. U.K. University of Canterbury
Wolbank T. M. Austria Technische Universitat Wien
Yu Haitao Croatia University of Zagreb
Zhu Jianguo Australia University of Technology
Žarko D. China Southeast University

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